USSVI Annual & Lifetime Dues Table

USSVI National Dues

Years Renewed/Age at Lifetime

Current Dues until 12/31/2024

Revised Dues as of 01/01/2025

Annual Dues

1 Year

 $                         30.00

 $                                                  40.00

Oct-Dec & Next Year

 $                         35.00

 $                                                  47.00

3 Years

 $                         85.00

 $                                               113.00

5 Years

 $                       140.00

 $                                               185.00


76+ Years

 $                       120.00

 $                                               150.00

66 -75 Years

 $                       240.00

 $                                               300.00

56 - 65 Years

 $                       360.00

 $                                               450.00

46 -55 Years

 $                       500.00

 $                                               625.00

Up to 45  Years

 $                       600.00

 $                                               750.00

         You must be a National member (USSVI) in order to apply for the local "Base" membership.

          2025 rates: $15.00 a year.

          Life: $250.00 45 and younger, 46-55 $200, 56-65 $100, 66 and older $50.00.
          Click here to send the Great Lakes Base Commander an Email for more information